What happens in a NeurOptimal® neurofeedback session?

A NeurOptimal® trainer may discuss the concerns and/or challenges that have brought you into his/her office. This discussion will become the basis for tracking your progress or "shifts" that you experience from your training session. You will next be placed in a quiet space and in a comfortable seat. The trainer will attach special sensors to your head that will record the brain's cortical activity into the NeurOptimal® program’s computer software.

A NeurOptimal® training session is relaxing, enjoyable and typically lasts 33 minutes. As the session starts, you will hear soothing music play though a sound system and perhaps watch relaxing geometric images gently morph across a computer screen. You will hear occasional “flutters” or interruptions in the music – this is the signal that prompts your brain to “reset” and optimize itself. At the end of a session, you will most likely feel less stressed and more mentally clear. It is unlikely you will experience any negative after-effects as NeurOptimal® does not artificially “push” the brain in any specific direction. Many users experience deeper sleep and vivid dreams after their very first session.

For more info, please contact us